Friday, February 16, 2007

One little pea

Dylan had his 3 year check up on Valentine's Day. He is 37 1/4" tall and 31 lbs. 50 percentile for both. He was most helpful with the doctor, holding up his shirt and such. She was ready to do some other things, but he turned his head and pointed to his ear... so it was time to check out his ears! LOL He was very cute and loves his doctor!

Well, during the appt. we found out Dylan has tactile defensiveness... no a bad case. He hates to get dirty and touch grass, dirt, playdoh etc. She said that would explain his super picky eating habits. The mouth is 10x more sensitive than hands. We have a few exercises to do with him, like digging in a bucket of rice for toys to get his hands used to different textures.

I bet you want to know about the pea. We went out to dinner last night and I was feeding Dylan mac n' cheese. Half way through, I stuck a pea in the middle of the noodles to see if he would notice. Immediately I see him having a funny look on his face and within seconds he had spit out just the pea. Guess the doctor was right.

The boy can eat up a storm... some days I would guess 2000 calories! But he will only eat about 15 things. Hopefully, with the exercises and just getting older, I can get him to eat more foods and have a better diet.

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