Sunday, January 28, 2007

The Sun!

Dylan was waking up at 4:30 - 5:00am and I would tell him he could not wake up until he saw the sun. It kind of became a ritual, so as most mornings, today started with Dylan standing on the edge of the bed and pulling the curtains open so he could see outside. I asked him what he sees and he replies "The Sun!" He came back to bed and told me to close my eyes, which is what I tell him when it is time to go to sleep. After I had my eyes closed, he poked me in the face and told me to wake up... at least he didn't grab my head and try to shake it this morning!

Then he told me all about the owl he saw that was over by the lamp. The owl said "whooo whooo" and the owl flies in the sky. He went on and on. LOL After that, He held on to my chin looking at me and told me he loved me. Such a great moment for a mommy!! Then we went under the spooky, scary covers and had more conversations about Thomas the Tank Engine and Toad. He went on and on again. He is a chatter box! After we can out from the covers he got lots more kisses and hugs. Mornings can be the best time of day even if you have to wake up at 6am.

1 comment:

Stacy said...

What a silly boy Dylan is!